Academic team

1.Livestock products processing and health: traditional livestock products modern processing; Microbial control and utilization of livestock products; Nutrition and health of animal products.

2.Grain and oil processing and storage: grain and oil resources intensive processing and comprehensive utilization of by-products; Grain, oil and food safety and quality control; Development and evaluation of functional food of grain and oil.

3.Postharvest and quality of fruits and vegetables: postharvest physiological changes and preservation mechanism of fruits and vegetables; New technology of fruit and vegetable storage; Molecular genetic improvement of crop resistance.

4.Food safety and monitoring: biological, chemical pollutants and other hazard factors generation, in vivo migration, pathogenic mechanism and control; Detection of new technology and new methods.

5.Metabolism and nutritional regulation of major diseases: molecular mechanism of obesity and malignant tumor caused by nutritional imbalance; The target and regulation of functional molecules; Separation, purification and preparation of functional molecules.


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